Danny DeVito: 'Jeremy Corbyn and Bernie Sanders are the only shining lights we have right now'

The staunchly socialist actor throws his weight behind two of the most prominent left-wing figures in US/UK politics 

Heather Saul
Saturday 30 July 2016 18:38 BST
US actor Danny DeVito
US actor Danny DeVito (Getty )

Jeremy Corbyn has never struggled to find support from A-list corners.

The embattled Labour leader’s time at the helm of his party has been beset by challenges from his own members. But some of his supporters remain confident in Mr Corbyn's ability to lead an increasingly divided country still feeling the aftershocks of the seismic Brexit vote.

Danny DeVito is one of those supporters who hasn’t lost faith, telling the Guardian that Mr Corbyn and Bernie Sanders “are the only shining lights we have right now”.

DeVito’s support for Mr Corbyn has been no secret after the diminutive actor excitedly waxed lyrical about him at an event in LA earlier this year. “I like the idea of people telling the truth,” he told journalists. “I like them to get to the bottom of things, really.”

DeVito described the results of the EU referendum as “a tragedy; a harsh thing” and gave an even bleaker verdict on Republican nominee Donald Trump: “horrendous and shameful”.

He urged the US public to take action before it’s too late: “Do everything you can to make sure that Donald Trump doesn’t become president.”

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