DNC 2016: Elizabeth Warren says Donald Trump 'only cares about himself'

Many wanted the former professor to be on the Democratic ticket for the White House

Andrew Buncombe
Tuesday 26 July 2016 03:45 BST

She was the woman that liberals and progressives hoped would be on the Democratic Party ticket - either for the presidency or the vice presidency.

Yet while Elizabeth Warren was not chosen, her performance at the Democratic National Convention demonstrated why she is such a powerful politician and an effective counter to the abrasive broadsides delivered by Donald Trump.

“Wow. What a night, Michelle Obama. Cory Booker. And we still have Bernie coming,” she said, to loud applause.

“We’re here tonight because America faces a choice. On one side is a man who was given money by his father. Who cares only for himself.”

She added: “On the other side, one of the toughest, most tenacious people. Our choice is Hillary Clinton. I am with Hillary Clinton.”

Ms Warren, 67, a Massachusetts senator, has emerged as one of the most powerful voices to have challenged Mr Trump. She has done so in speeches and and rallies, and also on social media.

And on Monday night, she was rewarded with one of the most prestigious speaking slots - appearing after First Lady and before Bernie Sanders.

Senator Elizabeth Warren, wearing a jacket by Nina McLemore 

 Senator Elizabeth Warren, wearing a jacket by Nina McLemore 

“For me. This choice is persona. It’s about who we are as a people. What sort of country we want to be,” she said.

Over the course of an impassioned speech that lasted close to 15 minutes, Ms Warren told her story as the child of a janitor who went on to become a college professor, and then a politician. But she said she feared that the country she grew up in was disappearing.

“I think that America is slipping away,” she said. “The system is rigged - it’s true. Washington works great for those at the top.”

She added: “Democrats have taken on those fights. We fought we won. We improved the lives of millions of people. Thank you Barack Obama.”

Bernie Sanders endorses Hillary Clinton

Ms Warren said that the American people had grown wise to the ways that Washington worked, and the politicians who acted simply to benefit their own interests, or else those who fund their campaigns.

“And so Congress, this November the American people are coming for you,” she said.

Ms Warren, who spoke of her belief in the need to remove big money from politics, said that Mr Trump had done nothing to help the ordinary people who claims to represent. She said his “whole life had been about taking advantage” of the system.

What sort of man roots for an economic crash, she asked.

“A man who must never be president of the United States. And we’ve got the leaders to make it happen - Hillary Clinton and Tim Kaine.”

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