Donald Trump labels Alex Salmond an 'irrelevant has-been' after the SNP politician brands him a 'loser'

The two politicians are locked in a war of words

Jon Stone
Wednesday 16 December 2015 15:00 GMT
One SNP MP accused Mr Trump of hypocrisy over his anti-immigration stance - his mother was a Scottish migrant to the US
One SNP MP accused Mr Trump of hypocrisy over his anti-immigration stance - his mother was a Scottish migrant to the US (Getty Images)

US Republican politician Donald Trump is locked in a war of words with former Scottish First Minister Alex Salmond.

The row erupted after the UK Supreme Court ruled that developers could build a wind farm off the shores of Mr Trump’s high-end golf course in Scotland.

Mr Salmond branded Mr Trump, who launched the failed legal challenge against the renewable energy plan, a “three-time loser” whose antics were having a damaging effect on the Scottish economy.

“These proceedings have been dragged out for years through three successive court judgements by Donald Trump as he tried to stop an offshore Aberdeen wind turbine demonstrator by means of legal action,” Mr Salmond said.

“In doing so he has at best postponed, and at worst jeopardised, a vital £200 million boost for the economy of the North East of Scotland.”

A spokesperson for Mr Trump’s business group however responded that Mr Salmond was “a has-been and totally irrelevant”.

Former first minister Alex Salmond
Former first minister Alex Salmond (PA)

The Trump Organisation spokesperson also made a reference to a recent painting unveiling that Mr Salmond had attended, arguing that the SNP MP should “go back to doing what he does best – unveiling pompous portraits of himself that pander to his already overinflated ego”.

An official petition to bar Mr Trump from the UK has reached over half a million signatures, meaning it is liable to be debated in Parliament.

The right-wing American politician sparked anger after he called for a complete ban on all Muslims being able to enter the United States –whether for immigration, tourism, or other reasons.

After he made the comments a new poll however showed him more popular than ever with US Republicans, who will choose their candidate for the US presidency.

The candidate chosen by that party will face off primarily against the Democratic party’s contender, thought likely to be Hillary Clinton.

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