Donald Trump attends 'villains and heroes' fancy dress party as himself

When probed about what he had dressed up as, the President-elect mouthed 'me' 

Maya Oppenheim
Sunday 04 December 2016 14:31 GMT
While Mr Bannon and Mr Trump might have decided to simply go as themselves, security guards at the event were dressed as Hell's Angels
While Mr Bannon and Mr Trump might have decided to simply go as themselves, security guards at the event were dressed as Hell's Angels (AP)

Bar the colour of his “Make America Great Again” hat, which tends to come in the rather limited colours of red, white and camouflage, Donald Trump tends to dress pretty similarly. His hair rarely changes and his suit remains suitably oversized.

In keeping with tradition, the President-elect decided not to dress up for the “Villains and Heroes” fancy dress party he attended at a major donor’s stately home in Long Island on Saturday night. Instead, the billionaire simply went as himself.

When probed about what get-up he had opted for, Mr Trump, who was in his usual suit, merely mouthed “me” and gestured at himself. While it is not clear what suit Mr Trump was wearing, a little ironically Mr Trump has previously said his all-time favourite suit is made by Italian-made French-owned company Brioni.

The annual Christmas party was at the Mercers family estate. Rebekah Mercer is the daughter of hedge fund manager Robert Mercer and is one of his biggest donors. According to a member of his press team, Mr Trump, who is still in the process of pondering important Cabinet positions, did a brief speech at the party, thanking the Mercer family.

A number of strategists who helped steer Mr Trump into the White House were at the party - such as soon-to-be chief White House strategist Stephen Bannon and senior aide Kellyanne Conway. While Ms Conway went as Superwoman, Mr Bannon did not feel the need to wear a costume.

Mr Bannon was formerly the executive chairman of Breitbart News and declared the pro-Trump site “the platform for the alt-right”. The alt-right political movement has been accused of racism, anti-Semitism and misogyny and of sharing an ideology with far-right parties such as the French National Front.

While Mr Bannon and Mr Trump might have decided to simply go as themselves, security guards at the event were dressed as Hell's Angels.

Despite attending the party, Mr Trump managed to find time in his no doubt busy schedule to tune into Saturday Night Live. Ironically, Mr Trump responded to SNL’s sketch about his tweeting habit by tweeting. “Just tried watching Saturday Night Live - unwatchable! Totally biased, not funny and the Baldwin impersonation just can't get any worse. Sad,” he wrote.

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