Frankie Boyle takes on Donald Trump: 'He seems to have the emotional range of a Power Rangers villain'

The Donald presents himself as the unity candidate in the midst of polarising party politics, according to the comedian's withering essay

Heather Saul
Tuesday 05 April 2016 17:08 BST
Frankie Boyle
Frankie Boyle (Getty Image)

Frankie Boyle has skewered virtually every leading British politician and candidate so it seems only natural that he has now taken Donald Trump, a man who has managed to offend almost every demographic in just a few months of campaigning, to task.

Trump began the Republican race as the outsider. But as he became increasingly offensive, his popularity soared and outrage now only seems to bolster his ratings. Three months on, his opponents and even some members in his own party have watched on in horror as the man who recently insisted acting more presidential would be "boring as hell" continues to lead the race for the Republican nomination and plough forward, unabashed and unapologetic, as he promises to Make America Great Again.

Boyle blames his rise on the divisive rhetoric and mud-slinging thrown by each party for creating a huge divide that Trump is now claiming he can close. In an essay for The Guardian, the comedian writes: “Trump is in many ways just saying what the other candidates would say on cocaine, but he’s also a unity candidate. His hope is to bring all of America together in their rejection of reality."

He goes on: “Trump seems to have the emotional range of a Power Rangers villain and the social skills of a teenage Minotaur. He looks like a pumpkin having a nervous breakdown, talks like the words are being fired out of his mouth by a tennis ball launcher and has the general manner of an arrogant televangelist suspected of murder by Columbo. His approach to public speaking? “If in doubt, switch to your internal monologue.”

Trump's main opponent Ted Cruz doesn’t get off lightly either: “A cross between a permanently disappointed sitcom vampire and the high school yearbook photo of every serial killer of the modern era.”

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