Helen Mirren praises 'shameless and proud women' like Kim Kardashian for redefining ideals of female beauty

'I love women who have claimed their own bodies,' says Mirren

Maya Oppenheim
Tuesday 07 June 2016 15:20 BST
Mirren applauded Kardashian and J-Lo for broadening the range of physiques on display and being positive role models for young women
Mirren applauded Kardashian and J-Lo for broadening the range of physiques on display and being positive role models for young women (Getty Images)

Dame Helen Mirren has commended what she refers to as “shameless women”, such as Pussy Riot and Kim Kardashian-West, for having autonomy over their bodies and eschewing the label of slut.

The 70-year-old Oscar-winning actress said while she was pleased to be “relieved of the whole sex-symbol tag” as she had gotten older, she was impressed with younger women who had taken control of their sex symbol status.

Mirren criticised the ideals of beauty centered around modesty and conformity in the 20th century and lauded the new generation of women redefining beauty for themselves.

“When I was growing up, it was thought to be unbelievably sluttish to even have a bra strap showing,” Mirren told The Sunday Telegraph Magazine. “Everything was about women conforming. I love shameless women. Shameless and proud!”

“Women were controlled by being shamed,” she continued. “So I love women who have claimed their own bodies: Madonna, Chrissie Hynde, Joan Jett,Bonnie Raitt. I love Pussy Riot more than anything in the world. They all raise their middle fingers to this epithet of ‘slut’. They wear what they want to wear, behave as they want to behave.”

Mirren applauded Kardashian and J-Lo for broadening the range of physiques on display and being positive role models for young women.

“I’m not into the Kardashians, it’s a phenomenon I just don’t find interesting, but – and this is the big word: B-U-T-T – it’s wonderful that you’re allowed to have a butt nowadays!”

“Thanks to Madame Kardashian, and before her, J-Lo. We’re also allowed to have thighs now, which is great too. It’s very positive.”

Two weeks ago, Harriet Harman also praised Kardashian-West and said the reality TV star was “brave and pioneering” after being asked about her sharing naked pictures of herself to support feminism.

“I am an expert on the Kardashians, I have to confess,” Ms Harman told ITV's Good Morning Britain during a debate about the EU.

“I think, if you step back, the overall message that comes out of the Kardashian women is that they are kind of going to make their own decisions, make their own way in the world, they're not going to be told by anybody what to do.

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