Iowa caucus: Donald Trump mercilessly mocked after defeat to Ted Cruz

The Donald is having a rough time of it after coming second 

Heather Saul
Tuesday 02 February 2016 09:52 GMT
Republican U.S. presidential candidate Donald Trump arrives at a Republican caucus in Iowa
Republican U.S. presidential candidate Donald Trump arrives at a Republican caucus in Iowa (REUTERS)

It is only natural that after weeks of repeatedly branding his opponents ‘losers’ at every opportunity Donald Trump's most famous insult would come back to haunt him on the day he lost the Iowa caucus to Ted Cruz.

Hours after being beaten by the Republican senator, the word ‘loser’ is being splashed across headlines and on social media, with the New York Daily News throwing together a particularly memorable front cover presenting the usually exuberant billionaire as a sad clown.

In an attempt to embarrass him further, the website, which usually redirects to Kanye West’s website, is now redirecting to Trump’s Wikipedia page.

Trump's laid-back, self-assured demeanour in the run-up to voting as he led opinion polls came in stark contrast to the gracious speech he gave as he conceded defeat, something that did not go unnoticed.

A 2013 tweet also came back to haunt him on Tuesday morning:

The Iowa caucus is considered a key event in the run-up to the Presidential elections and can have a major impact on a candidate’s success. Both Barack Obama and George Bush won in the Iowa caucus ahead of their successful Presidential campaigns.

Iowa Caucuses - Trump's post-result speech

The Donald has been uncharacteristically quiet since his defeat in Iowa, even staying silent on Twitter.

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