Jeremy Corbyn denies talking about ‘ex-prostitute’ to David Cameron ahead of speech from Chinese President Xi Jinping

The pair were filmed talking while sat together in Westminster 

Heather Saul
Wednesday 21 October 2015 15:57 BST
Jeremy Corbyn at the Royal Gallery on Tuesday for the state visit of China's President
Jeremy Corbyn at the Royal Gallery on Tuesday for the state visit of China's President (Getty Images)

A spokesperson for Jeremy Corbyn has denied the Labour leader was talking about an ex-prostitute during a private conversation with David Cameron.

Mr Corbyn and the Prime Minister were filmed speaking as they waited for the Chinese President Xi Jinping to address Parliament on Monday, prompting speculation over what they might have discussed during their awkward encounter.

An article in the Daily Mail suggested Mr Corbyn had “gossiped” about someone's ex-wife being a sex worker. It claimed footage of their conversation was analysed by lipreaders for the paper, who suggested Mr Corbyn had said: “It was difficult because, erm, that’s his ex-wife who is, erm, apparently an ex-prostitute”.

Mr Cameron then reportedly replied “oh” before talking about reducing unemployment levels.

Mr Corbyn’s spokesperson denied he said the word “prostitute” but would not comment on the nature of their discussion. He told The Independent: “It was a private conversation.”

The article also suggested Mr Corbyn, who was reluctant to crack jokes despite being asked to do so a number of times during his campaign, shared a “very funny” quip with the Prime Minister.

He reportedly said: “I remember I lost my glasses. (At a) school party, I must’ve been about three at the time.” The ‘punchline’ was apparently inaudible, but whatever it was caused Mr Cameron to burst into laughter.

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