Julian Assange to be interviewed by prosecutor and Swedish police at Ecuadorean embassy in London

DNA sample will also be taken if Mr Assange agrees to give consent

Samuel Osborne
Monday 07 November 2016 09:57 GMT
Ecuador granted the WikiLeaks founder political asylum in 2012
Ecuador granted the WikiLeaks founder political asylum in 2012 (Reuters)

Julian Assange will be interviewed at the Ecuadorean embassy in London on Monday 14 November, the Swedish prosecutor has said.

The interview will be conducted by an Ecuadorean prosecutor and the Swedish deputy prosecutor in the case against the WikiLeaks founder and a Swedish police investigator will be allowed to attend the hearing.

A DNA sample will also be taken if Mr Assange agrees to give his consent.

The results of the interview will later be reported from Ecuador to the Swedish prosecutors in a written statement," a statement from the Swedish Prosecution Authority said.

"After this report, the prosecutors will take a view on the continuation of the investigation."

It adds: "As the investigation is ongoing, it is subject to confidentiality."

"Therefore, the prosecutors cannot provide information concerning details of the investigation after the interview."

Mr Assange is under investigation by prosecutors for an alleged rape during his visit to Sweden in 2010.

He denies the rape allegation and has challenged Sweden's detention order several times.

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His request to leave the Ecuadorean embassy to attend the funeral of his friend and mentor Gavin MacFayden was recently blocked.

The Swedish prosecutor’s office announced it would not suspend the warrant as it does not allow exemptions to a court decision.

Mr Assange has been holed up in the Ecuadorean embassy since June 2012, after exhausting all legal options in his battle against extradition to Sweden.

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