Fresh Prince of Brixton: Will Smith takes surprise tour of Lambeth with Chuka Umunna and Tessa Jowell


Daisy Wyatt
Friday 08 March 2013 12:42 GMT

Will Smith made a surprise appearance in Brixton today with local MPs Tessa Jowell and Chuka Umunna.

It emerged the Fresh Prince of Bell Air star wanted to stay true to his character’s roots and see the “real London”.

Tessa Jowell, MP for neighbouring Dulwich and West Norwood, tweeted earlier to say: “Will Smith wanted to see ‘London’s Harlem’! So proud to show him the best of Brixton!” and MP for Streatham Chuka Umunna said: “Will wanted to see “real” London and it doesn’t get more real than Lambeth.”

South London residents were somewhat surprised to see the international star walking through the streets of Brixton and stopping for a break in a local coffee shop.

Smith then accompanied Umunna to speak at St-Martin-in-the-Fields High School for Girls in Tulse Hill. His appearance at the school was totally unexpected, and he later posted a video of himself (above) with hundreds of girls screaming in the main hall. 

The star took to the stage to give an inspirational talk to the comprehensive school girls, saying: “If you look at the six people who you spent the most amount of time with- that’s who you are.

“You want to make sure that you’re choosing those people that get to talk to you, because the things that people say are like food- if you eat good food your body with work better, if you eat bad food your body will deteriorate.

“You have to be very, very aggressive about associating with people that are good for your life, because that one person that you’re out with one night that does one dumb thing can ruin the next 15 or 20 years of your life.”

Smith is in London with his 14-year-old son Jayden Smith, who is currently supporting Justin Bieber on his Believe tour.

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