Rocket Man! First ever pizza delivery by jetpack

Stunt marks Elton John’s appearance as Glastonbury

Jam Press Reporter
Wednesday 21 June 2023 17:36 BST
The jetsuit was used by the pizza chain to mark this year’s Glastonbury festival, which Elton John is set to headline
The jetsuit was used by the pizza chain to mark this year’s Glastonbury festival, which Elton John is set to headline (Jam Press/Dominos)

Domino’s is trialling a world first – a pizza delivered by jet pack.

The pizza chain partnered with jet suit giant Gravity Industries to mark this year’s Glastonbury Festival, which sees the original rocket man, Elton John, headline at the Pyramid Stage on Sunday.

Somerset onlookers were stunned as they witnessed a Domino’s delivery driver-turned- pilot, take-off from the nearby Glastonbury store, fly over hedge-lined fields and hand over pizzas to campers.

Natalie Dixon, a partygoer en-route to the world-famous Glastonbury Festival, said: “Seeing a jet suit thing fly over Glasto was wild.

“I’ve never seen a jet suit, let alone one delivering pizzas.

“I can’t wait to see one land on my doorstep in the future.”

Sam Wilson of Domino’s said: “When we realised pitching up to serve slices inside the festival was impossible, we took inspiration from this year’s headliner to launch our own rapid delivery trial – it was a bit of a no brainer.

“Every year we see huge numbers of random requests from festival goers trying to sneak pizza into the party.

“So, this year we wanted to take a giant step towards and trial our very own rocket man service to help hungry campers get a slice of sky-high satisfaction in the future.“

On whether or not the new delivery service is the beginning of a nation-wide rocket-powered fleet, the Domino’s spokesperson added: “All we can say at this stage is that the idea has legs…or wings…or jets.”

Footage of the ‘Domino’s jet suit-delivered pizza’ first appeared on Tuesday when witnesses saw the pilot hovering around the Glastonbury store wearing the iconic Domino’s delivery suit, helmet, and a customised jetpack.

“I’ve never seen a jet suit, let alone one delivering pizzas!”
“I’ve never seen a jet suit, let alone one delivering pizzas!” (Jam Press/Domino’s)

After the delivery pilot popped two pizzas into a custom delivery box mounted on top of the suit, he slipped his hands into the jet-engine powered arm mounts and blasted off, before soaring over the fields of Glastonbury.

The suits, which are worth hundreds of thousands of pounds, were customised for Domino’s to ensure the pizzas were delivered with the usual piping hot pizza freshness.

A spokesperson at Gravity Industries added: “Keeping pizza piping hot using the jet suit is definitely an unusual utilisation of our tech and pizza isn’t in our normal flight plan.

“But being able to exceed the average delivery time by flying through the Somerset fields and feed campers with the pizza delivery experts certainly shows the future of fast delivery service.”

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