Black Mamba reportedly missing in Camden

Local residents have been warned that the 'venomous' snake might be hiding in their washing machine

Serina Sandhu
Friday 15 January 2016 00:55 GMT
Black mamba venom is deadly
Black mamba venom is deadly (Rex)

Residents in Camden are being told to check their homes for a missing Black Mamba snake.

The reptile, called Rosie, is thought to have been on the loose since 5 January, according to posters that have been put up by her owner.

The poster says local residents should check under car seats, bed sheets, behind toilets and inside washing machines because the snake is likely to be somewhere warm at this time of year.

It warns that Rosie is “highly venomous”. “If you see her DO NOT ATTEMPT TO HANDLE HER,” the poster reads. Black Mamba's are one of the deadliest snakes in the world.

Although claims that the snake is missing are not certain - one person who tried to ring the owner's number said it was a dead line - some local residents have expressed their fear.

Kathleen O'Donoghue told the Camden New Journal she had been checking her home ever since she first saw the poster.

But some are taking the missing snake less seriously.

A Twitter page has been set up for Rosie, with the handle @CamdenMamba. A tweet from the account reads: “Chilly tonight! Can anybody put an old girl up for the night?”

The Camden New Journal reported that the RSPCA was investigating the claims. Alexandra Jones, the charity's scientific officer for exotics, said a license was needed for Mambas because they were considered to be dangerous, wild animals.

"Part of the licensing process is ensuring the animal cannot escape."

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