Boy opens message in bottle on beach but finds note from men 'out our nuts on cocaine'

Teenager voices disappointment at discovering 'no pirates - just druggies'

Benjamin Kentish
Saturday 08 October 2016 09:13 BST
Boy opens message in bottle on beach but finds note from men 'out our nuts on cocaine'

A schoolboy was left disappointed after rushing home to read a note he had found hidden in a bottle on a beach – only to find it had been written by two friends during a cocaine-fuelled binge the day before.

Robbie Chappell and his mum, Catharine Smith, were walking his dog on Hayling Island in Hampshire when he discovered the bottle and rushed home to open it.

But instead of a message from pirates or desert island castaways, the note had been written by ‘Dan and Dan’ the previous day.

An excited Robbie with the bottle
An excited Robbie with the bottle (Mercury Press and Media)

In a video recorded by his stepdad, the excited 13-year-old can be seen smashing the 500ml Heineken bottle six times with a hammer to reveal the note inside.

The clip shows Robbie pulling out a soggy scrap of paper and his stepdad reading the message aloud.

The note says: “Dan and Dan was here 1/10/16 12.19pm”

“Out our nuts on cocaine! Massive love for the sesh!”

“Lots of love sesh gremlins aka Hud & Suv”.

A disappointed Robbie responds: “Oh, beautiful.”

(Mercury Press and Media
(Mercury Press and Media (Mercury Press and Media)

Stepdad Robert, 51, then adds: “No pirates then – just druggies.”

The video has since been shared 16,000 times.

Ms Smith, 45, said: "It's got to be the world's worst message in a bottle effort. We thought it might be something exciting from France from years ago, but actually it was from a couple of druggies the day before.

"Robbie saw the Heineken bottle and shouted to me that there was a message inside. I said not to break it on the shore as we'd just create more mess.

"I carried it all the way home in my coat pocket and we got quite excited thinking about what was inside.

"We had all these exotic ideas of what it might be and Robert thought it would be a good idea to film the grand opening. It could have been anything.

The family was “a bit underwhelmed” when they read the message but were able to see the funny side, she added.

Despite the disappointment, there remains a mystery around where the note came from.

Ms Smith said: "It's probably not travelled very far at all given that we found it after one day.

"It's quite dark down there and we've had some nice evenings so I can imagine there's the odd beach party at night and maybe it's a leftover from one of those.”

"Portsmouth is just across the channel and then in the other direction there's France. I wouldn't really know how many cocaine users there are around here.”

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