Donald Trump on his way to the UK after giving stance on Brexit

‘My inclination would be to get out,’ Mr Trump said, though he admitted that he didn’t really know anything about what was going on

Andrew Griffin
Thursday 23 June 2016 14:09 BST
U.S. property mogul Donald Trump gestures during a media event on the sand dunes of the Menie estate, the site for Trump's proposed golf resort, near Aberdeen, Scotland, Britain May 27, 2010
U.S. property mogul Donald Trump gestures during a media event on the sand dunes of the Menie estate, the site for Trump's proposed golf resort, near Aberdeen, Scotland, Britain May 27, 2010 (Reuters)

Donald Trump is about to land in Scotland, hoping that the country has voted Leave in the referendum.

The Republican presumptive nominee has backed Brexit and will be arriving just as ballots are being counted.

Mr Trump’s visit comes alongside political turmoil in the UK and increasing questions about his own campaign in the US. But he is coming not for politics but to check on his golf course in Ayrshire.

Despite that, Mr Trump is widely expected to comment on Brexit once he arrives in the country. He is one of very few international politicians who have backed Brexit.

“I don’t think anybody should listen to me [because] I haven’t really focused on it very much, but my inclination would be to get out,” Mr Trump said last week, ahead of the visit.

“Go it alone. It’s a mess,” he told the Fox Business Network. “When you look at what’s happened with the, as an example, the migration — when you look at the things that are going on over there, my inclination would be go it alone and go back to where you came from. … That’s just my feeling.”

Mr Trump has been suggesting Britain would be better to leave the EU since at least May, when he said that migration meant that the UK would be “better off” outside of the European Union.

The Trump camp has elaborated on the campaign’s views, arguing that “America is here because of its own little Brexit”.

In an interview with Sky News, spokeswoman Katrina Pierson said Mr Trump was behind countries like the UK “doing what is best for them” and that it was a good thing for “countries do need to re-evaluate their own standings and what is best for them”.

The trip will be his first since becoming the presumptive Republican nominee. Some at home have criticised him for taking a trip that is aimed at work on his business rather than campaigning.

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"I'm not sure what the purpose of the trip is," said Republican Senator John Thune, who added that he hopes Trump "would get back here quickly."

Trump's son, Eric, who oversaw the two-year, more than $300 million renovation at the Trump Turnberry golf course, dismissed those concerns, saying "the eyes of the world" will be on his father during a two-day stay in Scotland that begins Friday.

"The Turnberry course is one of the crown jewels of the golf world and is now one of the crown jewels of our family's properties," Eric Trump said this week in an interview with The Associated Press. "He's over there to inspect the course and to support his son who put a tremendous amount of time and energy into the project."

Donald Trump is set to be greeted by a host of protestors when he arrives at the resort.

The Stand Up To Trump protest is being staged at Turnberry after almost 587,000 people signed a petition calling for the billionaire to be banned from entering the UK.

The protesters say he is not welcome, claiming he has "ramped up levels of racism, Islamophobia, and bigotry" during his presidential bid.

The protest is supported by a number of organisations including Stand Up to Racism Scotland, the Glasgow Campaign to Welcome Refugees and Unite the Union Scotland.

Keir McKechnie, spokesman for Stand Up to Racism Scotland, said: "His message of hate is one that we'll challenge and we would not encourage anyone to support him in his presidency.

"Although this protest happens to be taking place in Scotland, we want to represent people across the whole of the UK and beyond who reject Trump's racism and Islamophobia."

Additional reporting by agencies

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