Couple's wedding pictures photobombed by police officers chasing suspected drug dealers

'At first we were scared. But, once we realised it was safe it became actually quite funny. Even Mr and Mrs Eye began to laugh and took photos with the police once it was all over. It was fun to watch'

Daniel Khalili-Tari
Friday 09 February 2018 13:49 GMT
Toby and Becky Eyre are now enjoying their honeymoon in Mauritius
Toby and Becky Eyre are now enjoying their honeymoon in Mauritius (Photographs by Annie Crossman/SWNS)

A pair of newlyweds in the middle of a photoshoot on their big day had an unexpected element of drama injected into their keepsake shots when a team of police officers came crashing through in hot pursuit of a suspected drug dealer.

Toby and Becky Eyre were posing for photographs when detectives from Thames Valley Police chasing a man through Hinsey Park in Oxford cut a path directly through the shot.

“At first we just saw a man running and heard police shouting ‘Stop!’ We tried to get out of the way as much as possible,” Mr Eyre told the BBC.

The unexpected interruption came just two minutes into the session with photographer Annie Crossman, who said the officers shouted “congratulations” from their car window as they drove by.

Initially, the couple and photographer were shocked and unsure about what was happening. However, when they realised everything was safe they calmed down.

Speaking to The Independent, Ms Crossman, said: “It happened two minutes into the photoshoot. The police instructed us to get off the main path, as a drugs chase was happening. It was surreal. We saw the man running past as he was being chased by the police. At first we were scared. But, once we realised it was safe it became actually quite funny. Even Mr and Mrs Eye began to laugh and took photos with the police once it was all over. It was fun to watch.”

Officers made two arrests before approaching the couple to ask to have their pictures taken with them, which they then posted on Thames Valley Police’s Twitter feed.

The police congratulated the couple on their big day Annie Crossman/SWNS
The police congratulated the couple on their big day Annie Crossman/SWNS (Annie Crossman/SWNS)

A police spokesman said: “A 43-year-old man from South Hinksey and a 36-year-old man from Oxford were arrested on suspicion of possession with intent to supply class A drugs in connection with this incident.

“Both have been released under investigation.”

Mr and Mrs Eyre are now overseas enjoying their honeymoon in Mauritius.

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