David Cameron spotted at Nando's amid halal meat row

The Prime Minister sat down for a meal at the Bristol eatery on Thursday

Antonia Molloy
Friday 09 May 2014 13:31 BST

Customers at a Nando’s restaurant in Bristol spotted David Cameron tucking in alongside them on Thursday evening.

If the Prime Minister had hoped for a quiet chicken dinner, then he was surely disappointed, as people excitedly snapped him on their smartphones at the eatery on Park Street.

Twitter user Melissa Bennett ( @Melissabennett_) posted a picture of Mr Cameron looking rather bemused amid a sea of onlookers with the caption: “Oh my days in Nando’s and David Cameron walks in.”

Mr Cameron had been in they city giving a speech at the Bristol and Bath Science Park in Emersons Green as part of a Conservative Party rally.

His visit comes amid the halal meat row, during which it was revealed that halal meat is served in 64 out of 314 Nando’s restaurants.

However, Mr Cameron has refused to adopt a stance on the scandal, which has seen calls for clearer labelling of meat.

His spokesman said on Thursday: "The Prime Minister's view is that the approach we currently have is absolutely the right one.”

The spokesman added: “I don’t believe the Prime Minister has concerns about the meat that he buys.

“It is a matter for retailers and restaurants to work with customers and consumer groups and representatives of faith organisations. Many consumers will rightly be very demanding of their retailers, the places they shop and the places they go out to eat.”

Read more: David Cameron refuses to back meat labelling
Nick Clegg has 'no problem' eating halal meat
Clegg dismisses Cameron's EU strategy

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