First lesbian prison wedding takes place

Jack Doyle,Press Association
Wednesday 24 February 2010 16:01 GMT

Two women inmates have tied the knot in what is thought to be Britain's first lesbian prison wedding.

Sara Crane, a convicted killer, and drug dealer Joanne Davies who are both 31, married in a private ceremony earlier this month.

The service was conducted by an official from Guildford Register Office at Send Prison in Surrey, The Sun reported.

Prison governors are required to consider requests from gay couples who wish to enter civil partnerships.

Crane was jailed for life for murder in 2003 and Davies was jailed for two and a half years for intent to supply drugs.

A Ministry of Justice spokesman said: "We cannot comment on individual offenders held in custody at HMP Send.

"Offenders are entitled to apply to the Governor to register a civil partnership in prison under the Civil Partnership Act 2004, so long as certain criteria defined under the Act are met."

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