London bus driver filmed 'gambling' on his phone by cyclist

If found guilty, driver faces a ban and £2,500 fine

Jacob Furedi
Wednesday 07 September 2016 22:18 BST
Bus driver caught using phone whilst driving

A Transport for London (TfL) bus driver has been caught placing bets on his mobile phone while driving. A passing cyclist filmed the incident on his helmet camera.

In the video, he can be heard criticising the driver who appears to be scrolling through the Betfair app.​

“Are you placing your bets whilst driving a bus with passengers? You are out of your mind; you can kill people with that,” the cyclist, who wanted to remain anonymous, can be heard shouting. In the video, the driver repeatedly maintains he is doing nothing wrong.

The cyclist, who later posted the video on Twitter, warned: “You have to focus on the road. Every time I cycle, my life is in danger because of drivers like you.”

Drivers using a mobile phone risk a £100 fine and three penalty points. Bus drivers, however, face being disqualified from driving and a fine of up to £2,500.

The anonymous cyclist spotted the bus on Ludgate Hill, near St Paul’s Cathedral.

“I drove a London bus for five years, so I am more likely to spot when someone is driving dangerously,” he told the Evening Standard.

“I had pulled up to the traffic lights and saw the bus moving when he was hardly looking at the road and when I looked closer I noticed he was placing a football bet on his phone."

The cyclist admitted he was unsure whether he should share the video, but added: “When I watched it back he did not once acknowledge that he was doing anything wrong, so I decided to report it.

“I have to look out for mine and other people's safety. If that guy caused an accident, I would never forgive myself.”

In response to the incident, Mike Weston, TfL’s Director of Buses, said: “We are conducting an urgent investigation into this incident and will take appropriate action.”

“Public safety is always our top priority,” he added.

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