Parliament and Whitehall holds minute's silence for London terror attack victims

Prime Minister Theresa May will lead a show of defiance in the wake of the attack by giving a statement to MPs in the Commons

Samuel Osborne
Thursday 23 March 2017 09:53 GMT
Parliament holds a minute-long silence in memory of the victims of the Westminster attack

MPs, peers and staff working in Parliament and Whitehall led a minute's silence to pay respects to the victims of the Westminster terror attack.

A large area around the Palace of Westminster, including Parliament Square and Westminster Bridge, remained cordoned off the morning after the attack but staff were able to access the building and return to work.

The House of Commons sat after prayers at 9.30am, when the minute's silence followed, and then questions to Liam Fox and ministers from his Department for International Trade.

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Prime Minister Theresa May will lead a show of defiance in the wake of the attack, which left four people dead including the terrorist, and many others injured, by giving a statement to MPs in the Commons at 10.30am.

Two people in overalls and masks were seen sorting through material near the area in New Palace Yard where the attacker was shot and PC Keith Palmer stabbed, and an area in the courtyard remained cordoned off.

The popular Terrace cafeteria was open and serving a hot breakfast as normal as MPs, peers and staff arrived for work.

The Union flag was flying at half-mast over the Houses of Parliament and other nearby buildings.

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