Queen leaves hospital after just 24 hours following treatment for gastroenteritis


Jamie Lewis
Monday 04 March 2013 16:44 GMT

Queen Elizabeth II today left the hospital in which she spent just 24 hours, suffering with symptoms of gastroenteritis.

Appearing to be healthy and in good spirits, the Queen walked herself to the limousine which waited for her outside King Edward VII's Hospital in central London.

The Queen was admitted to the hospital yesterday for an assessment after becoming bed-ridden with the stomach bug at the end of last week.

A planned trip to Rome was forced back by the bug and the country's President Giorgio Napolitano will have to wait a while longer for his private lunch the UK's head of state.

Press speculation surrounding the Queen's health increased as this was the first time in ten years that she has been admitted to overnight treatment in a hospital.

The Queen, who wore a scarlet coat, was driven away by a chauffeur and is likely to spend time convalescing at her favourite home Windsor Castle.

A Buckingham Palace spokeswoman declined to discuss in detail her condition and just said that she remained in “good spirits”.

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