Storm Desmond: Smiling donkey rescued from Ireland floods

'So we've named him Mike. There could be no other name'

Will Grice
Monday 07 December 2015 19:06 GMT

A drowning donkey was rescued from severe floods caused by Storm Desmond in Ireland.

The donkey was spotted in Kerry by a member of the Animal Heaven Animal Rescue team, who put out a call for assistance on Facebook.

Residents from the local area were quick to arrive at the scene, with the local rowing club coach bringing a boat to help put a lifebuoy around the drowning donkey before he was pulled to shore.

Code red. Todays emergency. Please help me. There is a donkey stranded in deep flooding in Kilorglin. I need a boat and men to help. I have ropes ect Please ring 087 3157085 Please get me help

Posted by Animal Heaven Animal Rescue on Sunday, 6 December 2015

As the donkey was pulled to the dry land, photos showed what appeared to be a huge smile across his face.

Never say something cant be done just do it. Declan and Mike were beyond brave. So many people told me don't do it...

Posted by Animal Heaven Animal Rescue on Sunday, 6 December 2015

The centre said on its Facebook page that the animal would be named after one of his rescuers.

It said: "So we've named him Mike. There could be no other name.

"He is now dried with towels, eating a hot mash, all cozy and warm and our vet has seen him and started him on antibiotics to prevent pneumonia.

"We loved every moment saving Mike and I think I speak for all of us, he was so worth the danger just to see his little face on dry land. Thanks for all your lovely comments and support."

The rescue centre later sent out pictures of Mike the donkey looking a lot dryer.

"Mike would like to say hello to all his fans and say thank you very much for all your lovely comments wishing him well," the centre posted on Facebook.

"He is feeling much better."

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