Tommy Robinson protest: Police release pictures of nine people wanted after violence at London rally

Scaffolding, bottles and street furniture all thrown at officers during afternoon of disorder

Colin Drury
Monday 23 July 2018 13:35 BST
Tommy Robinson supporters attack police with road signs and traffic cones

Police have released images of nine people wanted in connection with violence at a protest in support of far-right figure Tommy Robinson.

Detectives published the images following disruption which saw scaffolding, glass bottles and street furniture thrown at officers.

More than 20 people were injured during the trouble in Whitehall, central London, on 9 June. Vehicles and buildings were damaged.

Detective Constable Jonny Wise, from the Metropolitan Police’s public order investigations team, said: “During this demonstration violent disorder broke out on the streets of central London. Scaffolding, glass bottles and items of street furniture were thrown at police officers and 21 officers sustained injuries.

“Serious disruption was caused to members of the public, local businesses and the local communities. Vehicles and buildings were damaged and those responsible need to be held accountable for their actions.

Pics from the Met of 9 suspects of violence at Tommy Robinson protest - clear for use
Pics from the Met of 9 suspects of violence at Tommy Robinson protest - clear for use

“I am appealing to members of the public to help police identify the individuals in these images.”

The pictures appear to show eight men and one woman. All are white.

The demonstration took place in protest at the jailing of EDL founder Robinson – real name Stephen Yaxley-Lennon – who admitted contempt of court after broadcasting details of a trial that was subject to temporary reporting restrictions.

Supporters were filmed giving Nazi salutes and holding anti-Islam banners – although there is no suggestion any of the nine people pictured did so. Nine people were arrested on the day itself.

Tommy Robinson supporter gives Nazi salute in Whitehall

Anyone with information is asked to call the Met on 020 8246 0076 or Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.

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