British teenager falls in love with man 10,000 miles away after accepting random friend request

They met after talking for a year when Michael Young, 25, from Adelaide, flew to Plymouth to meet Rebecca Luff, 18

Monday 27 February 2017 18:32 GMT
The couple have now been together for 18 months
The couple have now been together for 18 months (Facebook/Rebecca Luff)

A teenager from the UK has fallen in love with a man from Australia after accepting a random friend request on Facebook.

Michael Young, 25, from Adelaide, contacted Rebecca Luff, 18, from Plymouth on the social media website and they have since embarked on a long-term relationship.

The pair have now been together for a year and a half and they met when Mr Young flew to Plymouth in 2016.

They spent three weeks together and had a brief holiday in Amsterdam.

“When we first met it was like I had known him my whole life, it wasn't awkward at all. We just clicked,” Ms Luff told the Daily Mail.

“When we first started talking, I never thought it would be this serious.

“Nobody took us seriously for a long time; I think everyone thought it was all a bit bizarre,” she added.

The couple have been apart for five months and Ms Luff said she can’t wait to see Mr Young. She is taking a three months off work to visit him in Australia and meet his friends and family.

“I'm so excited to finally be able to go and visit the places he regularly tells me about, and of course finally get to meet his family and friends properly,” she told the Daily Mail.

“It's strange because I already feel like I know them, we're Facebook friends and I regularly speak to them when we're on Skype to each other."

“His Nan is letting me borrow her car whilst I'm there so I can travel around whilst Michael is at work, which is lovely.

“The best part is, everyone is so supportive, and my Dad always tells me to do these crazy things whilst I'm young,” she added.

The couple know at some point one of them will have to make the decision to move across the world but Ms Luff said if they are meant to be, they “will find a way to make it work”.

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