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Boris Johnson news: New PM labelled ‘racist liar’ amid criticism at home, while Trump offers congratulations from US

Follow how the day in Westminster unfolded

Benjamin Kentish
Political Correspondent
,Ashley Cowburn,Samuel Osborne
Tuesday 23 July 2019 21:20 BST
Boris Johnson begins by thanking Jeremy Hunt and Theresa May as he is announced as new Conservative Party leader

Boris Johnson has been confirmed as the next prime minister as the result of the Tory leadership contest is announced.

Anne Milton, an education minister, resigned minutes before the announcement, saying she had “grave concerns” over Mr Johnson’s threats of a no-deal Brexit.

Other ministers are expected to follow suit before the new prime minister takes over from Theresa May tomorrow.

The new Tory leader used his victory speech to promise he will “energise the country” and meet the 31 October Brexit deadline with a “new spirit of can-do”.

Mr Johnson secured more than two-thirds of the votes in the contest, comfortably defeating Jeremy Hunt, the foreign secretary..

In an apparent acknowledgement of his divisive style, Mr Johnson said: “I know that there will be people around the place who will question the wisdom of your decision.

“And there may even be some people here who still wonder quite what they have done.

“I would just point out to you of course nobody, no one party, no one person has a monopoly of wisdom. But if you look at the history of the last 200 years of this party’s existence you will see that it is we Conservatives who have had the best insights, I think, into human nature.”

Elsewhere, Labour’s ruling executive is due to meet for what will inevitably be a heated discussion on the party’s response to antisemitism.

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Jo Swinson, the new Liberal Democrat leader, has explicitly ruled out any future coalition with the Conservatives under Boris Johnson. 

Asked by BBC Scotland whether the Lib Dems could form another coalition with the Tories at a future date, she said she was "crystal clear" that her party would not work with any party that supported Brexit. 

Benjamin Kentish23 July 2019 10:45

Oooff. How's this for trolling?

During her last full day in office, Theresa May has appointed a Labour MP as an independent governmental adviser on antisemitism.

John Mann, who chairs the all-party parliamentary group on antisemitism and has been one of the most outspoken critics of Jeremy Corbyn's handling of the issue, will advise ministers on the best way to tackle anti-Jewish abuse.

Ms May said:

“Antisemitism is racism. It has absolutely no place in our society and we must fight its bitter scourge wherever it rears its head.

“I’ve been proud to lead a government that is tackling such discrimination in all its forms – from making sure courts have the powers they need to deal with those who peddle hatred, to asking the Law Commission to undertake a full review of hate crime legislation. But there is yet more to do. 

“John Mann is, without exception, a key voice on this matter. He has frequently campaigned in the House of Commons on this issue and has tirelessly used his role as a politician to speak out on behalf of victims of anti-Jewish racism.

“I am confident he will bring the level of cross-party independent advice needed to advise government and to ensure we see progress on this very important issue.”

Benjamin Kentish23 July 2019 11:02

A big bunch of flowers has been delivered to Downing Street, presumably for Theresa May before she leaves office tomorrow...

Benjamin Kentish23 July 2019 11:09

BREAKING: Anne Milton, an education minister, has resigned, saying she has "grave concerns about leaving the EU without a deal". 

Benjamin Kentish23 July 2019 11:11

Here's Anne Milton's full resignation letter to Theresa May...

Benjamin Kentish23 July 2019 11:17
Benjamin Kentish23 July 2019 11:25

Jeremy Hunt and his wife have arrived at the QEII conference centre in Westminster where the result of the Conservative leadership contest will be announced in the next few minutes. He says he is feeling a "zen-like calm".

Benjamin Kentish23 July 2019 11:28

There is an ongoing debate about what sort of margin of victory for Boris Johnson would constitute a resounding mandate. Former Tory MP, now Change UK leader, Anna Soubry tweets...


Benjamin Kentish23 July 2019 11:39

Our political editor, Andrew Woodcock, is at the QEII centre where the result of the Tory leadership contest will be announced imminently...

Benjamin Kentish23 July 2019 11:40

There is little suspense about the actual result of the Tory leadership contest, with Boris Johnson all but certain to win, but keep your eye on the margin of his victory.

If it is a resounding win - anything upwards of around two-thirds of the vote - he will have a mandate to do whatever he wants when he appoints his cabinet later this week. That means he would probably demote or sack more of his critics and rivals, possibly including leadership rival Jeremy Hunt. But if he wins by a slimmer margin, he is more likely to focus his efforts on trying to unify the Conservatives, possibly by giving the likes of Mr Hunt, or a cabinet Remainer, a plum job.

Benjamin Kentish23 July 2019 11:48

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