Brexit latest: Theresa May's government in 'no way prepared' to leave the EU

European Parliament President steps up his criticism over EU exit

Rob Merrick
Deputy Political Editor
Friday 23 September 2016 18:53 BST

The president of the European Parliament has stepped up his criticism of Brexit uncertainty, saying the Government had been in "no way prepared" for the task.

Martin Schulz also described the impact of a key member leaving the European Union as “a disaster for us and for the United Kingdom”.

This week, Mr Schulz pressed Theresa May to trigger Article 50 and start the exit talks as soon as possible, on a visit to Downing Street.

However, speaking during a lecture at the London School of Economics today, he said: "It is absolutely clear, and it became for me every day clearer, the complexity of the whole exercise is enormous.

"And what we saw was a Government here in London expected a majority for staying in.

"And they were, it was my feeling, no way prepared for the Leave majority."

Mr Schulz suggested he was leaving Britain with not much more of an idea of what Brexit will look like when it finally emerges.

He said: “Honestly, I leave London with a feeling that the Government is undecided about how and when they should trigger Article 50, also with the feeling that they perceive, more and more, the European side - the 27 institutions in Brussels and Strasbourg - can't wait too long."

In an hour-long talk and question and answer session about Brexit and the future of the EU, Mr Schulz described Britain's departure as “a failure” and a “lose lose” for the UK and the EU.

He said: “A G7 country, the second economy of the European single market, a permanent veto of the security council leaving the European Union is a disaster for us and for the United Kingdom.”

The vote had “divided British society like no other event I can think of”, he said, adding: "Many people are looking on with concern at the rise in xenophobic violence and hate crime over here.”

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