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Brexit: Theresa May sees off Tory rebellion over 'meaningful vote' - as it happened

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Benjamin Kentish
Political Correspondent
Wednesday 20 June 2018 13:28 BST
PMQs: Jeremy Corbyn says Theresa May's Brexit figures 'are so dodgy they belong on the side of a bus'

Theresa May has won a crunch Commons vote on a key area of Brexit policy after Tory rebels fell into line at the last minute.

Pro-EU Conservatives had threatened to rebel to ensure parliament is given a greater say in the case of a no-deal Brexit, but their ringleader, Dominic Grieve, voted against his own amendment after declaring himself satisfied with the assurances he had been given by ministers.

With the vote thought to be too close to call, MPs who were heavily pregnant were forced to traipse through the division lobbies. Others who have been ill, including Labour's Naz Shah, also had to drag themselves to the Commons after the government refused to honour a convention that unwell MPs can be counted in the Palace of Westminster car park.

Earlier, Ms May clashed with Jeremy Corbyn at PMQs over her announcement of more funding for the NHS, with the Labour leader claiming the prime minister's figures were “so dodgy they belong on the side of a bus”.

As it happened...


Guy Verhofstadt has told MPs that Brexit will have to be delayed unless a deal is agreed by the end of this year. The European Parliament's Brexit lead said "you cannot go beyond 2018". Full story:

Kristin Hugo20 June 2018 11:53

Kristin Hugo20 June 2018 11:56

Prime Minister's Questions is about to get under way - stay tuned...

Kristin Hugo20 June 2018 12:02

Kristin Hugo20 June 2018 12:08

Jeremy Corbyn asks about the NHS, demanding to know which taxes will be raised in order to fund the government's £20bn a year NHS cash boost. May repeats her claim about the "Brexit dividend", saying money that currently goes to the EU will, after Brexit, instead be put into the health service.

Kristin Hugo20 June 2018 12:12

Corbyn says Theresa May's figures on NHS funding are "so dodgy they belong on the side of a bus", adding:

"We expect that from the foreign secretary, but why is the prime minister pushing her own Mickey Mouse figures?"

May says Corbyn has HIS figures wrong and that the funding incrase will only be partly funded by the "Brexit dividend". Taxpayers will also be asked to contribute a bit more, she suggests. 

Kristin Hugo20 June 2018 12:15

May says Labour's last manifesto pledged to increase NHS spending by 2.2 per cent. In contrast, her government is raising spending by 3.4 per cent, she says.

Corbyn hits back, saying Labour would have raised NHS funding by 5 per cent this year. He says the Tories have not explained how they will fund their policy, other than through "mysterious phantom taxes that the Chancellor is presumably dreaming up".

May then makes her usual attack about the NHS in Wales under the Labour-run government there. 

And Corbyn finishes with his usual soundbite, reeling off a list of statistics highlighting  problems in the NHS. 

He says the prime minister "is writing IOU's just to stand still" and adds:

"Until this government can be straight with people about where the money is coming from, why should anyone, anywhere, trust them on the NHS?"

Kristin Hugo20 June 2018 12:23

The SNP's Westminster leader, Ian Blackford, asks about the issue some thought Corbyn might go on: the US's detention of children of illegal immigrants, who he says are being "caged like animals" .

He asks if Ms May still intends to "roll out the red carpet for Donald Trump".

May is fairly robust in her response, saying:

"The pictures of children being held in what appear to be cages are deeply disturbing. This is wrong, this is not something we agree with, this is not the United Kingdom's approach."

However, she says she will be discussing a "range of issues" with Trump, "and it's important that when we see the President of the United States here in the United Kingdom, we're able to have those discussions that mean when we disagree with what they're doing, we say so".

Kristin Hugo20 June 2018 12:28

Explosive question from Labour's Lisa Nandy, who says she has obtained emails from the Department of Transport that show officials describing some northern rail routes as "valueless", talking about "classic handling strategies" for MPs, and discussing whether to "throw a sop to northern passenger groups" and "propagate myths" to divert attention away from planned route closures

Theresa May says she will not comment on leaked document she hasn't seen but that an independent panel advised the Department for Transport on the issue of rail timetable changes.

Kristin Hugo20 June 2018 12:40

Labour's Gavin Shuker also asks about Donald Trump. Highlighting the US President's record on human rights - including detaining children, withdrawing the US from the UN Human Rights Council and praising Kim Jong-un - he asks what Trump would have to do for May to revoke his invitation to the UK. 

May says she has said "wholly and unequivocally" that the detention of children of illegal immigrants is wrong.

But, she says, lots of MPs, including Jeremy Corbyn, ask her to raise a number of issues with Trump:

"We do that, and when we disagree with the United States, we tell them so."standing

She says the UK and the US have shared interests and "it is right that we are able to sit down and discuss those with the president of a country with which we have had - and will continue to have - a long-stnaidng special relationship.

Kristin Hugo20 June 2018 12:41

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