Brexit: Sadiq Khan says businesses must warn Tories about ‘irresponsible’ no-deal pledges

The London mayor accuses Boris Johnson and Jeremy Hunt of indulging in ‘macho’ posturing over Brexit to win Tory votes

Andrew Woodcock
Political Editor
Thursday 04 July 2019 09:22 BST
Jeremy Hunt admits no deal Brexit will cause job losses

London Mayor Sadiq Khan is calling on business to use its influence with Conservative Party members to raise the alarm about the “hardline and irresponsible” no-deal Brexit positions being taken by the two leadership contenders.

In a speech to the CBI today, the Labour mayor will say that the contest to succeed Theresa May as prime minister has descended into a "bizarre contest to see which man will promise the most economically damaging plans".

Both Boris Johnson and Jeremy Hunt appear willing to inflict "limitless" damage on the economy in their pursuit of power, as they compete to to seem "macho" to Tory members by refusing to take the option of no-deal off the table, he will say.

Praising CBI director general Carolyn Fairbairn for speaking out on Brexit, he will tell his business audience it is "time to make your voice heard" and "use your influence on Conservative Party members.

Mr Khan will say: “The Conservative Party leadership race seems to have descended into a race to the bottom. It has become a bizarre contest to see which man will promise the most economically damaging plans.

“The candidates are competing to see who can sound the most macho, whilst promising a no-deal Brexit on 31 October, no matter what the cost.

“The refusal to take no-deal off the table is already creating uncertainty, denting business confidence and damaging our economy.

“All of this is creating additional costs for business, jeopardising expansion plans and making forecasting impossible.

“The damage that Boris Johnson and Jeremy Hunt are seemingly willing to do to our country, and our economy, in pursuit of power looks limitless.

"And for both men, it demonstrates that they simply don’t care about the real world consequences as long as they achieve personal power."

CBI director general Carolyn Fairbairn
CBI director general Carolyn Fairbairn (AFP/Getty)

Mr Khan will add: “I find this situation thoroughly depressing. But that doesn’t mean there’s nothing we can do about it.

"Carolyn Fairbairn and the CBI have been consistently brave in speaking out on Brexit.

"And now – more than ever – it’s the time to make your voice heard and to use your influence on Conservative Party members. Because the voice of business needs to be heard loud and clear.”

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