Final Say: What you can do to help now Theresa May's Brexit deal has been rejected

Now that Theresa May's Brexit deal has been voted down, a Final Say referendum is more likely than ever before

Wednesday 16 January 2019 13:32 GMT
Demonstrators carry banners and flags as they participate in a march calling for a Final Say on the Brexit deal
Demonstrators carry banners and flags as they participate in a march calling for a Final Say on the Brexit deal (AFP)

Theresa May’s Brexit deal was voted down by a record majority of 230 MPs and she now faces a vote of no confidence in her government.

The prime minister has suggested that if she wins the vote, as she is expected to, she will meet with senior politicians from across the political spectrum in a bid to save her Brexit deal.

Ms May will present her proposals for a plan B to MPs next week but given the deadlock in parliament it is unclear whether she will be able to get anything through the Commons.

Given the impasse, The Independent believes it is time for a Final Say referendum, giving the British people the power to make the decision on how to proceed with the Brexit process.

Here is what you can do to ensure the UK gets a Final Say referendum:

1) Sign the petition at

First and foremost, if you haven’t done so already – sign the petition. So far we have received more than 1.1 million signatures, making it the biggest campaign in the history of The Independent. As the deadlock continues the more signatures we obtain the more sway the campaign will have.

Sign the petition and share it online.

2) Email your MP and voice your opinion

Ms May lost the vote on her Brexit deal by 230 votes and you can see how your MP voted by clicking here. Now that the prime minister’s deal has been rejected, MPs will have increased influence over the Brexit process, so if you want a Final Say referendum, you should contact your MP.

You can find your MP’s contact details on the parliament website. Send them an email to tell them how you feel, what you think is the best course of action and what issues matter to you. You can also download the suggested email by clicking here.

The Independent hands in Final Say petition to Downing Street

3) Keep sharing on social media

Take a picture of yourself holding a sign that says “I want a Final Say” and then post it on social media with the hashtag #FinalSay. Every single post helps to keep the momentum going.

You can also download the Final Say poster by clicking here, which you can print out or share on social media.

4) Labour members can influence party policy

The Labour party’s official policy is to push for a general election, in the event of Ms May’s deal having been rejected by the Commons.

This is being done through a motion of no confidence but if this proves to be unsuccessful the party’s policy is to “keep all options on the table,” including a Final Say referendum.

Jeremy Corbyn says Labour could campaign for Final Say referendum if general election not possible

More than 70 Labour MPs came out in support of having a referendum and Labour’s Brexit spokesperson, Sir Keir Starmer, has called for discussions on the issue in parliament.

If you’re a Labour party member, get in touch with the constituency Labour party and speak directly to your local councillors and MPs/parliamentary candidates.

There could soon be a shift in Labour party policy and members voicing their opinions is likely to have a major impact.

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5) Send us your ideas

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