Brian Paddick: We Ask The Questions

Such as, 'How will you cut crime?' and 'What is your favourite joke'

Monday 28 April 2008 00:00 BST
Brian Paddick: Liberal Democrats
Brian Paddick: Liberal Democrats (Alessia Pierdomenico / Reuters)

Why do you want to be Mayor of London?

I want to make a difference to people's lives. Boris and Ken are both wrong for London. I am the only mayoral candidate who can offer serious solutions to London's problems.

What is the best thing about London, and what is the worst thing?

The best is that it is a great place to live because it's cosmopolitan, vibrant and liberal. The worst is crime.

What single achievement are you most proud of in your life?

Having been pelted by bricks during the Brixton riots, 20 years later when I was removed as commander in Brixton, there was a front page in The Voice newspaper which demanded "Bring back Paddick".

What is your favourite thing to do in London during your day off?

Walking along the Thames up to Holborn and going for a swim in the open-air pool at the Oasis, come sun or snow.

What difference will you make?

I will listen to Londoners. I've spent 30 years in the police doing a real job and doing exactly that.

What will you do to improve the city's transport infrastructure?

I will replace bendy buses with trams and improve the reliability of other buses with a GPS system which will allow them to be spread out and mean that people will be able to see when their bus is due. I will also abolish the western extension of the congestion charge zone.

What will you do for cyclists and pedestrians?

I will bring in a bike-hire scheme similar to Velib in Paris and I will pedestrianise Oxford Street.

Are falling house prices good or bad news for Londoners?

The Mayor doesn't have jurisdiction over house prices but what London needs is affordable rented accommodation. This will be built to a high standard and suitable for everyone from those on Income Support to young professionals.

Where will you focus your efforts to cut crime?

My priority will be to cut gun and knife crime.

How would you ensure greater ethnic harmony in London?

Even the Mayor's police and race adviser commended my record on policing and ethically diverse communities. I have also been outspoken in my praise for the majority of Muslims who are law-abiding members of the community.

What will you do to ensure London retains its dominance of the world's financial markets in these difficult economic times?

I would work closely with the Lord Mayor of London and listen to the business community and act on their concerns.

What is your favourite joke?

A man walks into a bar and asks the barmaid for a double entendre, and she gives him one.

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