Watch as Keir Starmer speaks at GMB Union annual congress

Oliver Browning
Tuesday 06 June 2023 10:41 BST

Watch as Sir Keir Starmer delivers a speech at GMB Union congress on Tuesday 6 June.

The leader of the opposition reassured the group that Labour’s plan to transition to clean energy will create jobs for its members, after GMB leader Gary Smith strongly criticised his energy policy.

Mr Starmer also hit out at the Conservatives, suggesting prime minister Rishi Sunak would be happy to see the rest of the UK fall behind London.

"I’m not even sure [the Conservatives] see the problem. If the City of London races ahead while the rest of Britain stagnates, as long as there was a hint of growth on his spreadsheet, Rishi Sunak would think that’s fine. But it’s not," he said.

"If you leave this many people behind, a nation cannot grow fairly. We can’t do it with low wages. We can’t do it with insecure jobs and bad work, with a stand-aside state that doesn’t fight for the future, without a proper industrial strategy."

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