Lisa Nandy backed by GMB union in major boost to Labour leadership bid

Andrew Woodcock,Rob Merrick
Tuesday 21 January 2020 17:07 GMT
GMB boss Tim Roache on union's decision to endorse Lisa Nandy

Lisa Nandy has received a huge boost to her bid to be the next Labour leader after winning the backing of the powerful GMB union, who hailed her as "a breath of fresh air".

The decision means she is almost certain to join Keir Starmer and Rebecca Long-Bailey on the ballot paper for the final stage of the leadership race.

The Wigan MP’s breakthrough came just an hour after rival Jess Phillips pulled out of the race to succeed Jeremy Corbyn, admitting that she could not win.

Meanwhile, remaining contender Emily Thornberry looks set to have to rely on securing the nominations of 33 constituency parties to remain in the contest, having failed so far to pick up union backing.

Welcoming the GMB's endorsement, Ms Nandy said: "Labour is at a crossroads. To win again we will have to up our game, recover our ambition, and inspire a movement.

"The GMB, the biggest industrial union which speaks for more than half a million workers, has been offering that leadership time and time again in recent years. As I seek permission to lead us back to power as Labour's next prime minister I could not be more proud to have their support."

The union decision came after four of the five leadership candidates attended a hustings before the union’s 60-strong central executive committee.

Announcing the union’s endorsement following the meeting, general secretary Tim Roache said: "Lisa Nandy is a breath of fresh air in the debate over Labour’s future.

“The more members see of Lisa in this contest the more impressed they will be by her ambition, optimism and decisive leadership. GMB is proud to nominate her.”

He added: “Lisa won’t shy away from the tough challenges or bold decisions that lie ahead, because she knows that after 15 years of losing elections, more of the same won’t cut it.

“A candidate entrenched in the union movement, Lisa gets the scale of the challenge.

“She will raise Labour’s game with a bold agenda that puts people first and grounds politics in their lives."

The GMB - which celebrated its choice with a tweet portraying Nandy as a character from TV's Game of Thrones - gave its nomination for deputy leader to runaway favourite Angela Rayner.

Mr Roache described Rayner as “a role model and an inspiration, one who walks the talk”.

With the National Union of Mineworkers also nominating Ms Nandy, she is close to clearing the final hurdle to get onto the ballot paper, which requires the endorsements of three affiliated organisations, including two unions, which together represent at least 5 per cent of affiliated members.

Starmer has already ticked off this requirement with backing from Unison and Usdaw, as well as a Labour environmentalist group, while Long-Bailey is expected to meet it by securing nominations from Unite and the CWU.

Announcing her decision to withdraw, Ms Phillips said: “The Labour Party will need to select a candidate that can unite all parts of our movement – the union movement, the members and elected representatives.

"I have to be honest that at this time that person isn't me."

Candidates who secure the necessary nominations from constituency parties or affiliated organisations by 14 February will go to a postal vote of Labour's members, registered supporters and affiliates, with the successor to Mr Corbyn due to be announced at a special conference on 4 April.

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