Man injured as anti-gentrification protest in Camden ends in violent clashes with police

'Soon this community will be unrecognisable, bland, yuppie infested wasteland' say protestors

Siobhan Fenton
Monday 13 July 2015 11:53 BST
Photo: Carl Casagrande
Photo: Carl Casagrande (Photo: Carl Casagrande)

A protest against the ‘gentrification’ of London ended in violence.

The BBC reports that a man was hospitalised with a head injury and two police officers injured after around 20 people threw bottles and wood.

Police say that five people have been arrested on suspicion of disorder-related offences.

Photo: Carl Casagrande
Photo: Carl Casagrande (Photo: Carl Casagrande)
Photo: Carl Casagrande
Photo: Carl Casagrande (Photo: Carl Casagrande)

The protest began in Camden last night. On the Facebook event for the protest, organisers wrote: “The heart of Camden is being ripped out, pubs are being converted to luxury flats no one can afford, venues are under threat, the market is flogged off to be a casino (and yet more unaffordable flats). Rents are rising… fast.

“Soon this community will be unrecognisable, bland, yuppie infested wasteland… Camden is a unique place and worth defending against the onslaught of dog-eat-dog economics.”

Photo: Carl Casagrande
Photo: Carl Casagrande (Photo: Carl Casagrande)
Photo: Carl Casagrande
Photo: Carl Casagrande (Photo: Carl Casagrande)

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