PMQs: David Cameron sparks outrage after referring to 'bunch of migrants' - as it happened

Earlier the Court of Appeal dealt a blow to the Government, ruling against use of 'bedroom tax' in two cases

Adam Withnall
Wednesday 27 January 2016 11:46 GMT
David Cameron leaves No 10 to attend PMQs on 27 January 2016
David Cameron leaves No 10 to attend PMQs on 27 January 2016 (AP)

Here are the latest updates:

David Cameron has been grilled in the Commons with the 'Google' tax, 'Bedroom' tax, the war in Yemen and migrants at the forefront of the debate.

Again taking a question from the public - this time Geoff - Jeremy Corbyn pinned the Prime Minister down over a tax deal which saw Google pay £130m to the treasury - a tiny portion of their profits over the past decade. 'Geoff' asked Mr Cameron if there was any way he could pay the same rate of tax (3 per cent) as the tech giant.

George Osborne has previously described the £130m deal as a "major success" in his drive to get internet giants to pay more tax - but shadow Chancellor John McDonnell has told The Independent it shows the Tories are "giving 'mates' rates' to big business".

Meanwhile, this morning a landmark Court of Appeal ruling found that the Tory bedroom tax was "unlawful" and "discriminatory" in two cases.

And a damning report from Transparency International into global corruption has described the Government as "extraordinarily inept" over its relationship with Saudi Arabia.

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