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Brianna Ghey’s mother breaks silence over Rishi Sunak trans row - latest

Sunak branded ‘an absolute disgrace’ after making jibe at ill-tempered session of Prime Minister’s Questions

Matt Mathers
Thursday 08 February 2024 18:44 GMT
Starmer and Sunak clash over transgender rights and NHS waiting lists during PMQs

Brianna Ghey’s mother has said she wants to create a lasting legacy for her daughter by creating a more “understanding, peaceful, and stronger society” in her first comments since Rishi Sunak’s trans jibe at Prime Minister’s Questions.

In a message posted on her Peace and Mind Facebook page, Esther Ghey said: “I don’t wish to comment on reports of wording or comments recently made. My focus is on creating a positive change and a lasting legacy for Brianna.

“Through Peace & Mind, we want to improve lives by empowering people, giving them the tools they need to build mental resilience, empathy, and self-compassion through mindfulness.

“In developing these skills, I hope that we can create a more understanding, peaceful, and stronger society for everyone.”

Earlier, the prime minister refused to apologise to the parents of a murdered teenager after making a transgender joke in the commons.

He insisted his comments on Wednesday, made while Brianna Ghey’s mother Esther was visiting parliament, were “absolutely legitimate” because he was pointing out Sir Keir Starmer’s U-turns.


Watch: Sunak refuses to apologise to Brianna Ghey's father over trans jibe at PMQs

Sunak refuses to apologise to Brianna Ghey's father over trans jibe at PMQs
Matt Mathers8 February 2024 14:01

Sunak was not making trans joke, transgender teacher claims

Sunak was not making trans joke, transgender writer claims
Sam Rkaina8 February 2024 13:00

Sunak ‘shocked’ by Brianna’s case

Mr Sunak said it was “sad and wrong” to link his comments at Prime Minister’s Questions to Brianna Ghey’s case.

He said: “Like everyone, I was completely shocked by Brianna’s case. To have your child taken from you in such awful circumstances is almost impossible to come to terms with, and for Brianna’s mum to talk with such empathy and compassion about that, I thought, was inspiring and it showed the very best of humanity.

“I’ve nothing but the most heartfelt sympathy for her entire family and friends.

“But to use that tragedy to detract from the very separate and clear point I was making about Keir Starmer’s proven track record of multiple U-turns on major policies, because he doesn’t have a plan, I think is both sad and wrong, and it demonstrates the worst of politics.”

Sam Rkaina8 February 2024 12:30

Mordaunt says PM and Starmer should ‘reflect'

Penny Mordaunt has suggested Rishi Sunak should reflect on his words, following his jibe about transgender people at Prime Minister’s Questions.

The Commons Leader said: “Whatever the rough and tumble of this place, whatever the pressures and mistakes that are made in the heat of political combat, we owe it to the people who sent us here to strive every day to make them proud of us and this place.

“The Prime Minister is a good and caring man. I am sure that he has reflected on things and I understand he will say something later today, or perhaps even during this session.

“That is not just about Mr and Mrs Ghey that he should reflect on, but I am sure he is also reflecting about people who are trans, or who have trans loved ones and family, some of whom sit on these green benches.

“I hope the leader of the Opposition will also reflect on his actions too.”

Penny Mordaunt
Penny Mordaunt (PA Wire)
Sam Rkaina8 February 2024 12:15

Sunak declines to apologise despite backlash

Rishi Sunak declined to apologise to Brianna Ghey’s father over his transgender joke in the Commons.

The Prime Minister insisted his comments were “absolutely legitimate” because he was pointing out Sir Keir Starmer’s U-turns.

Asked if he would apologise, he told reporters in Cornwall: “If you look at what I said, I was very clear, talking about Keir Starmer’s proven track record of U-turns on major policies because he doesn’t have a plan.

“A point only proven by today’s reports that the Labour Party and Keir Starmer are apparently planning to reverse on their signature economic green spending policy.

“That just demonstrates the point I was making. He’s someone who has just consistently changed his mind on a whole range of major things.

“I think that is an absolutely legitimate thing to point out and it demonstrates that he doesn’t have a plan for the country.”

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak is visiting Cornwall (PA)
Prime Minister Rishi Sunak is visiting Cornwall (PA) (PA Wire)
Sam Rkaina8 February 2024 12:00

Downing Street rejects suggestion PM uses trans people as punchline

Downing Street rejected the suggestion the Prime Minister has repeatedly used transgender people as a punchline or a joke.

It comes as Rishi Sunak refuses to apologise to Brianna Ghey’s father after he made a transgender joke at Prime Minister’s Questions.

His official spokesman said: “I wouldn’t accept that he does that. I think, as you can see from the exchange yesterday and in previous exchanges, he’s obviously made political points in relation to the Opposition.

“The Prime Minister, more generally, has always spoken about the need to treat everyone with dignity and respect.”

He added: “I think the Prime Minister has always been clear that everyone should be free to live happy lives, everyone should be treated with dignity and respect. That’s the values that he holds, those are British values.

“He would always call on people to behave that way.”

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak speaks during Prime Minister’s Questions in the House of Commons on Wednesday (House of Commons/UK Parliament/PA)
Prime Minister Rishi Sunak speaks during Prime Minister’s Questions in the House of Commons on Wednesday (House of Commons/UK Parliament/PA) (PA Wire)
Sam Rkaina8 February 2024 11:57

Brianna’s headteacher was also at Commons

Emma Mills, Brianna Ghey’s headteacher at Birchwood High School, who accompanied Esther Ghey to Parliament on Wednesday, told BBC Breakfast: “We came in late into the gallery and missed what was said, and I don’t think she’s really had time to look at the context and what exactly was said, and she wants a little bit of time to be able to do that today.

“Yesterday, while we were there, we were just so focused on the mindfulness debate that we were going to and making sure that moves forward in a positive way. That wasn’t something we really discussed yesterday.”

Sam Rkaina8 February 2024 09:35

Downing Street meeting with family yet to be confirmed

Pressed on whether he was arguing Brianna’s father had misunderstood Mr Sunak’s remark, Mr Philp said: “I have got every respect for, obviously, the views and feelings of a bereaved father.”

He said the Prime Minister “would be very happy” to meet Brianna’s family, and that Technology Secretary Michelle Donelan wanted to speak to Ms Ghey about online safety.

Ms Ghey has been invited to a meeting, though it is not yet confirmed whether or when it will take place.

Other Government ministers have also played down Mr Sunak’s language, while Downing Street has insisted it was not transphobic but part of “totally legitimate” criticism of Labour.

Minister Chris Philp said he ‘respected’ Mr Spooner’s views
Minister Chris Philp said he ‘respected’ Mr Spooner’s views (PA Archive)
Sam Rkaina8 February 2024 09:10

Sunak ‘keen’ to meet Brianna’s family but no apology

Rishi Sunak is “very keen” to meet murdered teenager Brianna Ghey’s family, a Government minister has said, but there is no sign of the Prime Minister heeding her father’s call for an apology over a transgender joke.

Brianna’s father, Peter Spooner, said Mr Sunak should say sorry for the “degrading” and “dehumanising” remark made during Prime Minister’s Questions.

Mr Sunak had accused Sir Keir Starmer of having difficulty in “defining a woman” during an attack on Labour party U-turns.

But with the mother of Brianna, who was transgender, visiting Parliament, his comment prompted fierce criticism from across the political spectrum.

Policing minister Chris Philp on Thursday defended the Prime Minister’s jibe, telling BBC Breakfast: “The Prime Minister made no reference at all to any individual trans people.

“It was Keir Starmer who introduced that. The Prime Minister was making a point about Labour’s very numerous flip-flops.”

Asked about Mr Spooner’s request for an apology, Mr Philp said he was “very sad” to hear his comments, but suggested people “should actually listen” to the exchange in the House of Commons.

Sam Rkaina8 February 2024 08:53

ICYMI: Sunak’s trans joke is a ‘shameful new low’ - Labour MP

A senior Labour MP has described Rishi Sunak’s trans joke as a “shameful new low”.

Anneliese Dodds, shadow women and equalities secretary, said politicians “must do better than this”.

“The prime minister should apologise immediately,” she added.

Matt Mathers8 February 2024 04:00

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