Theresa May says there are 'boy jobs and girl jobs' in the home

'I do the traditional boy jobs by and large,' says Prime Minister's husband

Harriet Agerholm
Wednesday 10 May 2017 12:58 BST
Theresa May says husband Philip does 'boy jobs' around the house

Theresa May has said there are specific "boy jobs and girl jobs" around the house, prompting allegations of sexism.

During a rare personal interview with the BBC's The One Show with Ms May's husband Philip May, it was also revealed she had privately told her family that she wanted to become Prime Minister while she was serving in David Cameron's cabinet — at least six years before seizing the role.

When asked how the couple divided up household chores, Mr May, a financial executive, said: “Well it’s a good question. There’s give and take in every marriage. I get to decide when to take the bins out, not if I take the bins out.”

The Conservative leader then added: "There's boy jobs and girl jobs you see."

Mr May said: “I definitely do the taking the bins out, I do the traditional boy jobs by and large.”

Scottish Labour leader Kezie Dugdale said on Twitter: "Seconds into The One Show, the Prime Minister tells the country there are "boy jobs and girl jobs" at home — I despair".

Other Twitter also expressed frustration and disappointment with the Prime Minister's comments.

Kylie Grant said: "Boy jobs and girl jobs. *sigh* cheers Teresa May for yet again setting gender politics back 50 years."

Later, Mr May said the couple did not obey every gender stereotype. "Obviously, if you're the kind of man who expects his tea to be on the table at six o'clock every evening, you could be a little bit disappointed," he said.

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