‘No idea where that came from’: Government denies Trump’s claim UK was ‘thrilled’ with his Syria decision

Minister denies Trump claim about UK support for decision to green light Turkish offensive 

Richard Hall
Middle East correspondent
Tuesday 08 October 2019 14:15 BST
Donald Trump claims ‘UK is thrilled’ about decision to let Turkey invade Syria

The British government said it would oppose any Turkish incursion into Syria and rejected a claim by Donald Trump that the UK was “thrilled” with his decision to green light the offensive.

“We have been consistently clear with Turkey that unilateral military action must be avoided as it would destabilise the region and threaten efforts to secure the lasting defeat of Daesh [Isis],” foreign office minister Andrew Murrison told parliament.

Mr Trump made a shock announcement on Sunday night to withdraw troops from the Turkey-Syria border, and said the US would not stand in the way of a Turkish offensive against Kurdish fighters in the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF). The move was criticised as a betrayal of the Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces, which has been the West’s main ally in the fight against Isis.

“A lot of people have their opinion. I could name many who are extremely thrilled that we’re coming home,” Mr Trump said at the White House on Monday.

“The UK is very thrilled at this decision. As you know, they have soldiers over there also. And others. But many people agree with it very strongly. I understand both sides of it very well.”

Mr Murrison added that he had “no idea” where Mr Trump’s suggestion that the UK agreed with his decision came from, adding that it was not the view expressed in a conversation between UK foreign secretary Dominic Raab and his US counterpart Mike Pompeo.

Diplomats told The Independent that British officials were not given advance warning of Mr Trump's abrupt policy shift. The same is true of coalition officials on the ground in Syria and Washington's Kurdish allies.

The decision to permit Turkey to roll into northern Syria and effectively abandon the SDF, which Ankara considers a terrorist group because of their links to a banned Kurdish separatist organisation inside Turkey, was widely criticised by Democrats and Republicans. It was also condemned in the region by those who feared it could trigger more bloodshed.

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