Watch the moment Ken Livingstone is accused of being 'Nazi apologist' by Labour MP John Mann

The party is descending into chaos over ongoing accusations of antisemitism at the highest level

Adam Withnall
Thursday 28 April 2016 12:08 BST
John Mann MP call Ken Livingstone MP a 'Nazi apologist'

A fellow Labour MP has confronted the former London mayor Ken Livingstone in front of reporters in Westminster, accusing him of being a "Nazi apologist".

As the party descended into chaos over ongoing accusations of antisemitism at the highest level, John Mann chased Mr Livingstone up the stairs at the BBC's offices in Millbank, shouting and calling him a "f****** disgrace".

Extraordinary footage showed the public exchange between the two colleagues, which came after Mr Livingstone suggested that Adolf Hitler was a Zionist "before he went mad and starting killing millions of people".

Mr Mann confronted Mr Livingstone while surrounded by journalists outside the BBC's offices in Millbank
Mr Mann confronted Mr Livingstone while surrounded by journalists outside the BBC's offices in Millbank

Mr Mann accused Mr Livingstone of "rewriting history". He said: "Go back and check what Hitler did. There's a book called Mein Kampf - you've obviously never heard of it."

More than a dozen Labour MPs, including the party's candidate for London mayor Sadiq Khan, have now called for Mr Livingstone's suspension after he defended embattled MP Naz Shah.

Ms Shah has herself been suspended after it emerged she wrote Facebook posts calling for the relocation of Israel to the US.

Speaking later on the BBC's Daily Politics programme, Mr Livingstone said Mr Mann had been "completely over the top".

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