Six-year-old boy’s sassy answer to maths problem beats anything we did at his age

'This is why my son is going places'

Kate Ng
Saturday 07 November 2015 13:38 GMT
6-year-old Bobby gives the most literal answer to a maths question he could think of
6-year-old Bobby gives the most literal answer to a maths question he could think of (irishchck14, imgur)

Kids say and do the darndest things, but this one boy’s darndest thing has outdone us all.

Reddit user Fiona, who goes by the name irishchick14, posted a photo of her six-year-old son Bobby’s answer to a maths problem, captioned: “This is why my son is going places.”

When asked to show how he thought of the correct answer to the previous question, Bobby drew this (complete with a frowny face):

The photo went viral on Reddit, with users cheering on Bobby’s sass and apparent disregard for silly maths questions.

Fiona told The Huffington Post that her son’s answer wasn’t initially meant to be cheeky.

“I think he just took the question quite literally!” she said. “We explained to him why it was so funny and now he really gets it!

“I told him over 3 million people had seen his picture and he said, “Wow! That’s like the whole state of Georgia!”

Bobby’s teacher was so impressed by his straight-forwardness that she awarded him 100 per cent on the test.

“His teacher is exceptional” Fiona told The Huffington Post. “She encourages creativity and thinking outside the box at every opportunity!”

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