Watch: Aftermath of catastrophic Libyan floods as death toll reaches more than 11,000

Holly Patrick
Monday 18 September 2023 07:28 BST

Watch a view of the devastating aftermath of floods in Libya on Monday, 18 September, as the death toll reaches more than 11,000.

Over the weekend, rescue teams were searching through huge piles of rubble in Derna, which had entire neighbourhoods destroyed after the collapse of two dams sent a wall of water through the city and swept people out to sea

The extreme damage has been caused by heavy rains from Mediterranean storm Daniel just over a week ago.

More than 11,300 people died and more than 10,000 are still missing, according to the Libyan Red Crescent.

Libya’s top prosecutor has said he has opened an investigation into the collapse of the dams, which were built in the 1970s.

General Prosecutor al-Sediq al-Sour said prosecutors would also investigate the allocation of maintenance funds, local authorities in the city, and previous governments.

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