At least 22 Americans killed in Hamas attack on Israel

Israel says more than 1,200 people killed since attacks from Gaza started

Graeme Massie
Los Angeles
Wednesday 11 October 2023 18:52 BST
Bel Trew reports from Kfar Aza, Israel

At least 22 American civilians have been killed in the brutal Hamas attack on Israel, up from 14, the State Department says.

“At this time, we can confirm the deaths of at least 22 US citizens. We extend our deepest condolences to the victims and to the families of all those affected,” the State Department said in a statement on Wednesday.

Joe Biden addressed the deaths of Americans in the bloody conflict from the State Dining Room of the White House on Tuesday where he condemned the “unadulterated evil” unleashed by Hamas.

Mr Biden confirmed that his administration now knew that Americans were among the hostages, after saying on Monday it was believed to be “likely.”

Israel says that more than 1,200 people were killed and at least 2,700 injured when Hamas launched a surprise attack by air, sea and land on the country from Gaza on 7 October.

At least 1,100 Palestinians, including 326 children, have been killed since the attacks began on Saturday, according to the Health Ministry in Gaza. An additional 5,539 have been wounded.

In addition, around 150 civilians and soldiers have been taken hostage and are believed to have been removed from Israel and forced back to Gaza.

“As President, I have no higher priority than the safety of Americans being held hostage around the world,” he said.

Mr Biden also urged the country to “come together” as the violence in the Middle East deepens.

Palestinians walk through the rubble of buildings destroyed by Israeli airstrikes in Gaza City on Tuesday, Oct. 10, 2023.
Palestinians walk through the rubble of buildings destroyed by Israeli airstrikes in Gaza City on Tuesday, Oct. 10, 2023. (AP)

“This is a moment for the United States to come together to grieve with those who are mourning,” Mr Biden said during his 10-minute speech.

“Let’s be real clear, there is no place for hate in America,” he adds. “Not against Jews, not against Muslims. Not against anybody. We reject this terrorism.”

And he added: “Hamas offers nothing but terror and bloodshed with no regard for who pays the price.”

“Like every nation in the world, Israel has the right to respond, indeed, has the duty to respond, to these vicious attacks.”

On Wednesday the White House said that 17 Americans in Israel were still unaccounted for, but it is unclear if they are being held hostage by Hamas in Gaza.

“We know that a number of those Americans are being held hostage now by Hamas,” said John Kirby, a spokesman for the National Security Council.

“We have to steel ourselves for the very distinct possibility that these numbers will keep increasing.”

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