Bernie Sanders gets his own Ben & Jerry's ice cream flavour

Ben Cohen says the solid chocolate on top represents the few people who hold the nation’s wealth, a situation which Mr Sanders wants to change


Rachael Revesz
New York
Tuesday 26 January 2016 18:27 GMT
Ben Cohen's new flavour in support of the Democratic Presidential candidate
Ben Cohen's new flavour in support of the Democratic Presidential candidate (

Ben & Jerry’s founder Ben Cohen is backing Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders to win the Presidential election and has made a special ice cream flavour in his honour.

Ben Cohen has created “Bernie’s Yearning”, a new ice cream flavour with solid chocolate on top and plain mint ice cream underneath.

According to the website, the solid chocolate disk at the top of the tub represents the small percentage of people in the US who hold the nation's power and wealth.

Mr Cohen explained that the eater should use a heavy spoon to crack the chocolate and mix it up with the rest of the ice cream, just as Mr Sanders aims to “distributes the wealth”.

Ben Cohen says in a video that “it’s not about the flavour, it’s about Bernie”.

The Ben & Jerry’s factory is based in Vermont but Mr Cohen said the new product has nothing to do with his fellow director Jerry Garcia or the ice cream corporation.

Mr Cohen made 40 pints of the ice cream in his kitchen and donated 25 pints to the Mr Sanders campaign.

Other products in Vermont have taken the opportunity to advertise Bernie Sanders.

Sidehill Farm has created “Feel the Bern” homemade jam. The mango-flavoured jam reportedly is a bit spicy, and the farm recommends pairing it with Vaple Mermont Sriracha cheese.

In honor of our Senator...Mango Habanero "Feel the Bern" Jam

Posted by Sidehill Farm on Thursday, 26 November 2015

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