Coronavirus infection detected in Boston as Pentagon prepares 1,000 quarantine beds

The man in his 20s has been isolated since falling ill, and test results confirming the diagnosis were received on Friday night

David Maclean
New York
Saturday 01 February 2020 21:27 GMT
The risk to the public from coronavirus is low and the chances of dying even if infected are also very low
The risk to the public from coronavirus is low and the chances of dying even if infected are also very low (AFP/Getty)

A case of coronavirus has been detected in Boston, the first case in Massachusetts which brings the nationwide total of infected people up to eight.

The state’s department of public health said the man, in his 20s, recently returned from Wuhan, China - the epicentre of the virus.

He has been isolated since falling ill, and test results confirming the diagnosis were received on Friday night.

He will remain isolated until he is deemed to be no longer a risk. Those who he has closely associated with since returning from China are being monitored for signs of symptoms.

It comes as the Pentagon said it had approved a request for housing support for 1,000 people who may need to be quarantined after arriving from abroad. US citizens arriving back in the country who have been in Hubei in the past two weeks will be subject to a mandatory quarantine of 14 days.

“We are grateful that this young man is recovering and sought medical attention immediately,’’ said Massachusetts public health commissioner Monica Bharel.

“Massachusetts has been preparing for a possible case of this new coronavirus, and we were fortunate that astute clinicians took appropriate action quickly. Again, the risk to the public from the 2019 novel coronavirus remains low in Massachusetts.”

She added: “Our priority is not only to protect and inform the residents of Boston but also to help this man continue to recover. We are pleased that he is doing well.”

Coronavirus has resulted in thousands of confirmed human infections in more than 20 countries, with more than 99 percent of cases in China.

The flu-like virus, which is believed to have originated in a market that traded illegally in wildlife in Hubei province, has so far resulted in 259 deaths in China.

Residents chastised by talking drones for not wearing face masks amid coronavirus outbreak.mp4

In the US, three people have been diagnosed in California, two in Illinois and one individual each in Massachusetts, Washington State, and Arizona. The Center for Disease Control reported the second Illinois case was the only instance of person-to-person transmission of the virus within the US.

The World Health Organisation this week declared that the coronavirus outbreak is a public health emergency of international concern.

On Friday the US announced measures to ban foreign nationals who have recently been in China from entering the country. Australia has since followed suit.

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