'Jesus had two dads and he turned out just fine' - church sign attacking homophobia goes viral

Pro-gay signboard photo has attracted over one million online views

Nick Renaud-Komiya
Friday 30 August 2013 17:18 BST
This message has been viewed online over one million times, after a Reddit user uploaded a photo of the sign
This message has been viewed online over one million times, after a Reddit user uploaded a photo of the sign (Reeb0k / Reddit.com)

A church in Canada has found a novel way to spread its message of tolerance towards gay people and the results have gone viral

A sign outside St. John's Anglican Church displaying the words, “Jesus had two dads and he turned out just fine!” has been viewed over 1,000,000 times after a user of the social entertainment site Reddit posted a photo of the sign online, the Huffington Post reports.

The church's location has been reported by US news site The Blaze as Niagara Falls, Ontario. The wife of Reverend Duncan Lyon, a member of the St John's clergy, confirmed that the message was in front of their church.

The message appears to be taking a lead from the Gosford Anglican Church in Australia, which posted a similar message a few weeks ago.

Father Rod Bower, a priest and outspoken supporter of Gay rights displayed a message to parishioners and passersby which read, “Dear Christians, some people are gay. Get over it. Love, God,” according to current affairs site Salon.com.

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