Mountain lion attacks and snatches family dog in Idaho

Predators have been known to be attracted by small animals

Louise Hall
Wednesday 11 November 2020 17:37 GMT
The mountain lion attacked a southern Idaho family and snatched their family dog, wildlife officials have said.
The mountain lion attacked a southern Idaho family and snatched their family dog, wildlife officials have said. (Getty Images/iStockphoto)
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A mountain lion attacked a southern Idaho family and snatched the family dog, wildlife officials have said.

The family was visiting the Wild Rose Natural Hot Springs, east of Carey, Idaho when the mountain lion approached, attacked, and took one of their dogs, the Idaho Department of Fish and Game said according to KBOI.

"Anyone who chooses to access this area is encouraged to be vigilant and be aware of their surroundings, especially during early morning and evening hours," a department spokesperson told the broadcaster.

After the mountain lion snatched the dog it was never found, according to the report.

"Mountain lions are typically shy animals and avoid people, but they have been known to be attracted by small animals or pets that they perceive as potential prey,” the spokesperson said.

A mountain lion safety page on living Ketchum, Idaho’s city website, advises residents to never run away from a mountain lion but to make yourself look as big as possible, yell and back away while maintaining eye contact.

“Mountain lions are opportunistic predators, meaning they don’t know when their next meal will happen, and will often attempt to take prey when it presents itself,” the website reads.

“The lion’s instinct is to chase and ultimately catch what they perceive as a potential prey,” it adds.

According to the website, reports of mountain lions in the Wood River Valley are received almost daily by Fish and Game.

In order to protect pets from mountain lions, officials advise that owners keep their pets on a leash and do not feed their pets outside or leave their dishes outside.

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