Roman Atwood prank: Father tricks girlfriend Brittney Smith into thinking their son is dead

"That's not funny," Smith says after kicking Atwood 

Kashmira Gander
Tuesday 13 October 2015 19:09 BST
Roman Atwood pranks his girlfriend
Roman Atwood pranks his girlfriend (Roman Atwood/YouTube)

A YouTube prankster has tricked his girlfriend into believing that their son was caught in an explosion.

Roman Atwood explains to viewers in the video that he and his son Kane, 3, plan to trick mother Brittney Smith into believing that the child has speed off on a quad-bike, and crashed into a wooded area.

In the video, which has been watched over 5million times in just two days, Atwood holds his screaming girlfriend back as Kane and the quad-bike appear to go up in flames.

Realising she’s been had, Smith angrily kicks her boyfriend and tells him she’s “done”.

“It’s not funny, that’s not funny,” she says.

Roman Atwood in his video entitled "Blowing Up My Kid PRANK!!" (Roman Atwood/YouTube)

This is not the first time that Atwood has tricked his girlfriend into thinking their son has died.

In 2014, he released a video called “Killing My Own Kid PRANK!!” in which he appears to accidentally throw Kane down a flight of stairs. The video has since been viewed over 34,000,000 times.

Brittney Smith holds the couple's son, Kane.

As Smith was tricked once before into believing her Atwood killed their son, it begs the question whether she was in on it too.

The video has received a mixed response online, with some arguing it is never OK to joke about dead children.

Atwood has been making videos since 2013, and has garnered almost 7.3million subscribers on YouTube.

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