Server gets paid one penny for six weeks of work

‘Blame the business you’re working for, not the consumers. In other countries, they don’t need to tip because they pay [a] livable wage’

Gustaf Kilander
Washington, DC
Thursday 04 November 2021 18:23 GMT
Related video: Rep Debbie Dingell becomes a server for an hour to highlight the ‘Raise the wage Act’
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A server’s TikTok video of her paycheck of one penny after six weeks of work has gone viral and started a debate on the platform.

Many servers and waiters get base pay in addition to their tips. The federal minimum wage for tipped workers in the US is $2.13 an hour. For untipped employees, it’s $7.25 an hour.

“The f**k Ima do with one penny Steven!!!!!!!” the TikTok user wrote in the video caption.

“Life of a server… this is 6 weeks of ‘pay’. Tip your servers!!!” the video states. It has so far garnered 1.8 million views. Commenters argued whether the pressure should be on the customers to tip well or on the employers to pay better.

“I always tip, but restaurants need to tip you guys,” one of the top comments said.

“Blame the business you’re working for, not the consumers. In other countries, they don’t need to tip because they pay [a] livable wage,” another wrote.

“Don’t get a job where you know you don’t get paid unless tipped. Not our job to work 50-plus hours to tip you so you can pay bills. Get a better-paid job,” a user called Natalie commented.

“Yeah providing service requires tips, I get that, but why work at a restaurant[?]” another wrote. “Get a real job where you don’t have to rely on tips.”

Others argued that those expecting that you don’t have to tip were ignorant and one commenter noted that some restaurants share tips with the kitchen staff.

“I’m laughing at this comment section!” a user called Emily wrote. “So much ignorance and selfishness … like people are literally serving you and you don’t have the respect to tip?”

“People don't understand that servers have to tip a certain per cent of sales to kitchen and bar. If you don't tip, your servers are paying for you to eat,” another account holder wrote.

“These comments - I’m enraged,” one user said. “‘Not smart enough to get a better paying job’ please?? Y’all some of the most classist [people] I’ve ever seen.”

Emily Maxey added: “Not y’all saying ‘it's not my job to tip’ and then getting mad when all the restaurants are short-staffed.”

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