'Masks on clothes off': Wyoming strip club re-opens amidst pandemic

Dancers required to wear face coverings at all times while working

Louise Hall
Tuesday 19 May 2020 17:58 BST
(Google Maps)

A strip club in Wyoming that has been closed for almost three months due to the coronavirus pandemic has re-opened its doors with a “mask on clothes off” party to celebrate.

The Den, located near the Wyoming-Colorado border, is one of the first strip clubs across the county to re-open in the midst of the pandemic.

The state allowed a number of businesses to re-open on Friday due to the relatively low amount of coronavirus cases seen in the area.

The club's owner told USA Today that despite feeling uncomfortable restarting her business amid the virus, she felt she had no choice but to do so.

“We knew that once our doors closed, we were screwed until we could reopen,” Kim Chavez told the newspaper. “If I’d gotten the PPP [Paycheck Protection Program] I might not have opened today. This is a risk we’re taking.”

The club reportedly celebrated it's reopening on Friday with a "masks on clothes off" party.

Fox 31 reported the club is re-opening on the basis all staff wear masks while inside and practice social distancing with physical constant strictly prohibited.

Staff are also reportedly required to sanitise the bar, tables, chairs every time a customer moves.

Some of the club's dancers expressed a mixture of emotions about going back to work amidst the pandemic.

“I’m super-excited. I’m a little nervous because the virus is still out there, but I’m glad to be able to go to work, because a lot of people can’t yet,” dancer Doris Craig told USA Today.

Others expressed that the new measures make their job more difficult, and even dangerous.

“As long as I get to work and start bringing in money again I’m okay with it right now,” dancer Jenny Boswell told Fox 31.

“We’re on eight-inch heels and obviously a mask sometimes messes with your vision like I need to be able to see where my feet are going,” she added. “In eight-inch heels it could be deadly.”

Government stimulus programmes specifically ban adult-oriented businesses and performers from applying for help, according to USA Today, meaning many dancers have been left to fare without income amidst the closures.

Ms Chavez and her husband and co-owner Greg Chavez have insisted that the club is taking as many precautions as necessary to ensure that all their staff are safe.

“It’s not different than Walmart home depot or any place else that is letting a bunch of people in. My club is safe. We’re following all the same guidelines. We’re taking all the same precautions,” Mr Chavez said.

Wyoming has recorded at least 750 confirmed cases of the novel coronavirus and eight recorded deaths as of Tuesday.

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