Trump repeats racial slur against Elizabeth Warren, calling senator 'Pocahontas'

US president frequently uses racial insult in relation to Democrat senator 

Maya Oppenheim
Women's Correspondent
Monday 01 October 2018 08:31 BST
Trump repeats racial slur against Elizabeth Warren, calling senator 'Pocahontas'

Donald Trump has repeated his use of a racial slur against Elizabeth Warren - labelling the Democrat senator “Pocahontas”.

The US president, who frequently uses the racial insult in relation to Ms Warren, launched into an attack against her at a rally in West Virginia on Saturday night.

Mr Trump used the campaign event for Senate candidate and state Attorney General Patrick Morrisey as a chance to take aim at the "Democrat party" for being radicalised.

"Pocahontas is now considered a conservative in the Democrat party ... Pocahontas, Elizabeth Warren, she's considered like a conservative person," he said.

"They've gone crazy. They've gone loco."

Since the middle of his presidential campaign in 2016, the world leader has often called the senator “Pocahontas,” a mocking reference to Ms Warren's disputed claims of Native American ancestry.

The National Congress of American Indians has previously condemned Mr Trump for using the term.

"We honour the contributions of Pocahontas, a hero to her people, the Pamunkey Indian Tribe in Virginia, who reached across uncertain boundaries and brought people together," the American Indian and Alaska Native indigenous rights organisation said in a statement.

"Once again, we call upon the president to refrain from using her name in a way that denigrates her legacy.”

Mr Trump has come under fire for his track record with the Native American population on a number of occasions - having made a number of policy decisions which will destroy sacred Native American land.

The Trump administration’s budget also proposes sweeping cuts to job training programmes which directly help Native Americans into work. Furthermore, during his pre-White House days as a billionaire property tycoon, Mr Trump repeatedly clashed with tribes after a 1988 federal law made it easier for casinos to open on tribal land.

On Saturday, Ms Warren said she will consider a presidential run in 2020 after the midterm elections are over.

"It's time for women to go to Washington and fix our broken government and that includes a woman at the top," Ms Warren told a town hall crowd in Holyoke, Massachusetts.

"So here's what I promise: After November 6, I will take a hard look at running for president."

The 69-year-old, who is defending her seat this year against a challenge from Republican state Representative Geoff Diehl, had previously downplayed the notion of a presidential run and said she wants to keep the focus on her Senate work.

"It is really important that we focus on midterm elections and stop acting like the only important shiny object in the room is 2020," she told reporters during her speech at the National Press Club in August. "The important fight coming up right now is midterm election, and that's true in Massachusetts, It's true all across this country."

Ms Warren has long been touted a potential 2020 Democratic presidential nominee to battle it out with Mr Trump.

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