Melania rages against ‘sham’ impeachment, media and ‘divisive' Democrats in rare political attack

First lady’s comments came at her first campaign event for president

Graeme Massie
Los Angeles
Tuesday 27 October 2020 23:37 GMT
Melania Trump rages against her husband's 'sham' impeachment
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Melania Trump raged against the ‘sham’ impeachment of her husband, the media and “divisive” Democrats in rare political attack.

The first lady went after the Democrats for “caring more about removing our elected president” than concentrting on coronavirus when it broke out in the US earlier this year.

Ms Trump’s fiery accusations on Tuesday came during her first campaign event in suburban Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, a week before election day.

“The Democrats have chosen to put their own agendas ahead of the American people, they intend to create a divide, a divide, that causes confusion and fear instead of security, that is not leadership,” she said.

"Let us also not forget what the Democrats chose to focus on when Covid-19 first came into our country.

"When the president was taking decisive action to keep the American people  safe the Democrats were wasting American tax payer dollars in a sham impeachment.

“They cared more about removing our elected president.”

In her speech Ms Trump, an anti-bullying campaigner, also defended her husband’s daily social media attacks.

“For the first time in history the citizens of this country get to hear directly from their president, every single day through social media," said Ms Trump.

“I do not always agree with the way he says things but it is important to him that he speaks directly to the people he serves.”

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