Hillary Clinton: I am sick of Bernie Sanders’ lies on climate change

The Democrat has so far not signed the same pledge as Sanders not to accept money from oil and gas companies


Rachael Revesz
New York
Thursday 31 March 2016 23:30 BST
Ms Clinton pointed her finger and said: 'I am so sick of it'
Ms Clinton pointed her finger and said: 'I am so sick of it' (YouTube)

Hillary Clinton may be all smiles on stage, but when it comes to climate change the democratic presidential candidate does occasionally lose her temper.

When confronted by a climate change activist after a rally in New York, Ms Clinton was asked whether she accepted money from fossil fuel companies.

Ms Clinton responded: “I do not have that kind of money from people who work for fossil fuel companies.”

When the activist continued to push the issue, Ms Clinton held her finger in the woman’s face and said: “I am so sick. I am so sick of the Sanders campaign lying about me. I’m sick of it.”

Ms Clinton then moved on to shake hands with other supporters in the line.

Greenpeace is currently circulating a petition to ask Ms Clinton to take the same pledge as Mr Sanders to not accept money from fossil fuel companies.

The Daily Beast reported that Ms Clinton disclosed a list of lobbyists who were funding her campaign last summer. Several were connected to the fossil fuel industry, including Scott Parven and Brain Pomper, lobbyists at Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Fedl, who have been registered lobbyists for Chevron for almost a decade.

Mother Jones reported that Ms Clinton was paid $990,000 for speeches by the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce, on whose board sits Gordon Giffin, a former lobbyist for TransCanada, the company building the controversial Keystone XL oil pipeline in the US and Canada.

Ms Clinton has expressed her plan to regulate fracking practices, yet held a fundraiser with fracking investors in March.

Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders has pledged to reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 40 per cent in 2030.

Ms Clinton has vowed to reduce emissions by 30 per cent in 2025.

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